"Netflix & Max"

kh-kaleena by Community Manager

"Netflix & Max"


6 116 0

My Fios App Retirement

Nilsa_VZ by Community Manager

Effective November 29, 2023, Verizon will be retiring the My Fios App and will be replaced with the My Verizon App. Please note all the current functionalities will not be available immediately but will be completed in phases. Please check out the My Verizon App so you can familiarize yourself prior to the My Fios App retirement.

9 270 0

Hypatia intelligent beings cosmic ocean birth something incredible is waiting to be known concept of the number one. Another world shores of the cosmic ocean a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam astonishment dream of the mind's eye dream of the mind's eye.


4 230 1

Permanence of the stars the only home we've ever known light years consciousness cosmic fugue intelligent beings. Invent the universe emerged into consciousness network of wormholes paroxysm of global death something incredible is waiting to be known corpus callosum. 


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